There are a few ideal places to apply essential oils topically to be able to get the most out of the oils benefits!
•• Face: As part of your regular skin care routine to help your skin
•• Around & Behind Ears: To relieve earaches and ease tension. Around ears are a quick absorption area too!
•• Back of Neck/ Forehead/ Temples/ Shoulders: To ease tension
•• Over Heart: To ease feelings of anxiousness, promote calmness and grounding
•• Wrists: Another quick absorption area! You also get benefits from inhalation from applying here and smelling your wrists
•• Hands: The hands have many reflexology points, like the feet, where you can place essential oils in specific places for targeted effects. The AromaTouch technique by doTERRA focuses on this application.
•• Abdomen: To ease digestive discomfort & target specific organs
•• Chest: Promote feelings of clear breathing & ease anxiousness
•• Bottoms of Feet: The feet have large pores that rapidly absorb essential oils, making them an ideal application site for a generalized effect. Feet also have reflexology points for targeted effects!
This graphic shows how easily what we put on our skin affects various systems within our bodies through our bloodstream. Just think, if essential oils can reach each system through topical application, imagine what else can? What is in your lotion you are using everyday? What is in your shampoo? Or your toothpaste? Think about it.
Personally, behind my ears, on my temples, over my heart, my chest, wrists, and bottoms of my feet are some of my favorite places to apply essential oils topically depending on what they are and why I need them!
*Please be sure to dilute essential oils with a carrier oil (like Fractionated Coconut, Jojoba, Almond Oil, etc.) before applying them topically! Hot oils such as Cassia, Cinnamon, Clove, Oregano, and Thyme MUST be diluted. Sensitive oils such as Bergamot, Black Pepper, Eucalyptus, Ginger, and Peppermint should be diluted on young or sensitive skin.
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